About Innovation Zone

Innovation zone is an event conducted on four categories Game Design, App Design, Graphic Design and Movie Making. It is conducted both online and offline.
We welcome all innovative ideas from young minds.

Registration Process


18th - 31st May 2022


Our Team will contact you after registration.


Results will be announced on the event date.


All category will be given a set of themes and students can select any one theme in their category.

Graphic Design

  • Create a poster with animation character that describes your college Life
  • Create a poster that shows the awareness on Agriculture
  • Create a logo with slogan for a Game Development company
  • Note: Poster can be designed using any software like Adobe photoshop, corel draw..etc

Movie Making

  • Create a movie that shows humanity
  • Create a movie that shows about the importance of agriculture
  • Create a movie that shows the importance of education
  • Note: Movie must have good audio and video clarity

App Design

  • Create any App for Medical Field
  • Create a career guidance app (Eg. Jobs, courses, internship)
  • Create a security app( Eg. Security for women, children's, photo locker, parental control)
  • Note: Any app can be created using any software

Game Design

  • Create a 2D or 3D game , which must be related to education
  • Create any 2D or 3D shooting game
  • Create a 2D or 3D game with a Ball
  • Note: Game must consist of audio, score, and it must be completed. It can be developed using any software


This event is conducted both ONLINE and OFFLINE will be conducted in coimbatore


All college and school students from all department are eligible to participate each team can consist of 1-3 members.

Fees & Certification

Each team has to pay an registration fees of Rs.500. Certificates is given to all participants.

Branch 1

Branch 2

  • 178-A5 Avinashi road,
    Hopes college signal
    Coimbatore- 641004
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